The WISCONSIN chapter of WDA is a collaboration of writers, readers, editors, and booksellers, together to champion democracy everywhere, and the institutions that embody and protect it.  We defend civil liberties: the right to vote and have our votes counted, to gather and protest, to write and read, and to access learning that informs and enriches the lives of citizens.  We battle censorship in all its guises.  A nation can only be strong if it invites a multitude of perspectives into its decision-making process, educates its citizens, and treats the least of them as equal in value to its most powerful.

A Call to Action in Wisconsin

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Race, April 1 - Referendum on Trump?

Why the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race matters to you.

  • We, as Wisconsin Writers for Democratic Action, understand BOOK BANNING to be a strategy of authoritarian governments to restrict personal freedoms, a strategy preliminary to what we witnessed in totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. We are grateful to partner with Wisconsin bookstores and libraries in their efforts to provide access to titles that have been banned across our state. “To allow a group of people or any individual, no matter how powerful or loud, to become the decision-maker about what books we can read or whether libraries exist is to place all of our rights and liberties in jeopardy” (Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom).

    Let us act now, while we can, to protect our democracy, our books, and our right to read what we choose!

    Please consider joining WDA and our Wisconsin Chapter.

Check out the Milwaukee Public Library Linktree

The Milwaukee Public Library has been awarded a Peabody nomination for their social media presence, check out their Instagram, TikTok, as well as all the many many resources they have available all in one place.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Don't think fascism could happen here? You haven't tracked the school book bans.

by Jacki Lyden, Barry Wightman & John Norcross

May 9, 2024

Our Partners

Writers for Democratic Action is able to do the work we do because of our partners, the independent bookstores, libraries, and literary organizations who offer so much support, community, solidarity, information, and free expression to all of us. Please show up at one of our partner bookstores or libraries for conversations, readings, books, voter registration drives, and comradery.  Thank you to our WISCONSIN partners:

Participating Bookstores

Wisconsin Steering Committee

Jacki Lyden, Chair

Barry Wightman, Co-Chair

Nicholas Gulig

Dasha Kelly Hamilton

Joseph Lopez

David Maraniss

Curt Meine

John Norcross