The FLORIDA chapter of WDA is a collaboration of writers, readers, editors, and booksellers, standing together to champion democracy everywhere, and the institutions that embody and protect it. We defend civil liberties: the right to vote and have our votes counted, to gather and protest, to write and read, and to access learning that informs and enriches the lives of citizens. We battle censorship in all its guises. A nation can only be strong if it invites a multitude of perspectives into its decision-making process, educates its citizens, and treats the least of them as equal in value to its most powerful.
A Call to Action in Florida
Books & Books (Coral Gables)
Sunshine Book Co. (Clermont)
Tombolo Books (St. Petersburg)
Writer’s Block Bookstore (Winter Park)
Participating Bookstores
Florida Leadership
Mitchell Kaplan, Founder & Owner, Books & Books